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Published On 7/16/2018
Summer newsletter
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Published On 3/31/2017
March 2017
Good Morning!
It's almost April, but snow is the forecast again for today! After relatively mild weather, we've paid for it this month, winter is here! But shows have already begun, so soon we will have green grass and outdoor fun!
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Published On 3/6/2017
The American Morgan Horse Educational Charitable Trust (AMHECT) is pleased to offer two memorial grants for young adults under the age of 40.
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Published On 3/1/2017
Good morning,

(Apologies you didn't receive this yesterday, our email server was having some afternoon difficulties!)

The 2017 AMHA Convention is now one for the books! By all accounts the convention, which was held last week in Riverside, California, was a rousing success! A big congratulations to the Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, the 2016 AMHA Club of the Year!

Don't forget 2017 Club Renewals were due Feb. 15. They are slow coming in this year, so please send yours in as soon as you can if you haven't already.

As always, pass along your club news for the website and if you have any questions, just let me know.

Thank you!

Chris Koliander
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Published On 7/13/2016
Mass Morgan Newsletter Jan - June 2016
Check out what's happening in Massachusetts!
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Published On 6/9/2016
I can't believe it is already Memorial Day Weekend! I hope that spring has sprung in your neck of the country and you have a fun weekend planned with your Morgan. I know we have four horse shows this weekend, so if you are attending, good luck!

So since we have started show season, that means it's time to focus on the Grand National! We have lots of news from this year's show, check it out! And I've given you the latest list of 3 Star shows for Grand National qualification.

AMHECT has added a new youth scholarship in the name of Elberta Honstein, the lovely matriarch of Roy-El Farm who passed away last week.

And I was fortunate to be able to attend the opening of the Jeanne Mellin Herrick exhibit at the National Museum of the Morgan Horse in Middlebury, Vermont. If you are in the state from now until December, please try to see the exhibit. It is a wonderful tribute to a Morgan legend.

As always, if you have any news you
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Published On 4/28/2016
Right now it's snowing outside my window as I write this, so I find it hard to believe I'm sending you the April newsletter, let alone talking about show season, but the calendar says it's April, so it must be true!
We are trying to get out the word that if you are showing at a USEF show this season, all owners, riders, and trainers must be an AMHA Standard or Premium member; if a person renewed at the $40 Associate level, this does not give them competition privileges. Please help us get out the word! Thank you!

Also, don't forget, if your club hasn't renewed its membership for 2016, please send these along as soon as you can, especially for those clubs that hold shows! June 1 is the deadline; after that date any club that doesn't renew will be taken off our website.

As always, if you have any news you'd like promoted, please let me know!

Warm Regards,
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Published On 3/18/2016
March 2016
Good Morning!
I'm doing something different for our clubs this month! A newly designed newsletter for you! Please let me know what you think--yay or nay?
If your club hasn't renewed its membership for 2016, please send these along as soon as you can, especially for those clubs that hold shows! June 1 is the deadline; after that date any club that doesn't renew will be taken off our website.
We are trying to get the word out to everyone that if someone has renewed at the $40 Associate membership level, that does not give that person competition privileges and reduced registry fees. This is especially important given that show season is starting! Please pass on the word to your members!

As always, if you have any news you'd like promoted, please let me know!

Happy Spring!
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Published On 2/29/2016
February 2016

Welcome to Leap Day!

Lots of goings on this month! Convention follow up and now we turn our attention to show season!

We sometimes get comments that the Morgan breed isn't promoted very much. Check out the list of groups that will be promoting the breed to thousands of people across the country this year, thanks to the breed promotion grant! The name of the grant is certainly fitting!

I have been asked by a club member of perhaps starting a Facebook page for AMHA clubs to share thoughts, projects, and ideas. Would this interest any of you? Please let me know if it is a yes!

Please remind your members, we're trying to get the word out on this: The USEF Board of Directors recently approved the change that all owners (lessees), exhibitors, and trainers of horses participating at Federation licensed competitions in all Morgan sections must be current members (Standard or Premium) in good standing AMHA. If you are
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Published On 1/29/2016
January 2016

Good morning!

Welcome to the last Friday of January 2016! I'm sure some of you are having winter, but here in Vermont, most of the snow has melted and no storms in the future! I wonder if Punxsutawney Phil will tell us next week our Spring has arrived (or never left)!

Important news! Please pass on to your members!

The AMHA Annual Meeting of Members will take place on February 11 and to date no region has reached its quorum. We need your vote! Online ballots were emailed to all AMHA members who have a current email address on their account. You may have received more than one ballot via email for the election if your email address is shared with multiple people in your family. These aren't duplicate emails, so be sure to look for the AMHA member number on each ballot.

If you did not receive or no longer have your electronic voting information, go to Enter your email address and
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Published On 12/3/2015
December 2015


I can't believe this is the last club newsletter of the year! Where did the last 12 months go? But we're now looking ahead to the end of this month and into next year!

IMPORTANT NEWS!! Starting in 2016, the Trade Show Funding that many clubs took advantage of is being replaced by the Breed Promotion Grant. This is different from the previous program; applicants need to make a compelling grant request and include information regarding the size of the audience or reach of the program. Applications must include a full proposal of the idea, budget details, proof of any advertising collateral or materials that will be used to promote the event and/or program.

More importantly, there is deadline to request funds. The grant application closes at 5 p.m. Friday, January 15, 2016. Grant recipients are required to file a written summary of the activities the grant funded within 45 days of expending the funds.

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Published On 6/26/2015
AMHA Club Newsletter 2015
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Published On 2/11/2015
A collection of photos submitted to Mass Morgan for a Valentine's Day "I Love My Morgan" Photo Album
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Published On 1/23/2015
Please review as this a challenging task. If there are any questions or corrections, please contact Pam Powers (Mass Morgan 2014 Point Tabulator) as soon as possible.
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